Tuesday 5 June 2012

TTT: The Tomato Transplant

'Tis time--those tomato sprouts of mine are starting to get taller than six inches, and they are apparently to be transplanted anywhere in the range from 4-6 inches. In addition to them smelling like marvelous fresh red tomatoes when I water them, they have multiple leaves and are beginning to seriously overcrowd each other--not as bad as say my parsley or basil, but tomatoes are tall stalk style plants, not leafy herbs.

What has had me waiting so long? Something to do with the fact that not only has it been either pouring or cool outside (or both), the temperatures at night according to the forecast are set to reach a potential low of 3 degrees Celsius (37.4 Fahrenheit)--and that would more than likely kill all my seedlings. Seeing the fact that I have had all of those pots of compost soil waiting patiently outside for me since I began prep for Stage II of my seedling escapades (the transplanting) and the majority of my seedlings are in the window and I can free up space on the table--I have no reasons to stall anymore.

I was well aware that I was setting myself up for potential disaster by planting the entire contents of my seed packages in just one pot per plant type, but I must admit my confidence level in what I could grow was very low until everything began appearing before schedule (even if it was a bloody weed and not the oregano I thought it was) and since then I must say I am pretty proud of myself.

So, let's see how well I do when I begin


Phase II Stage i: The Tomato Transplant ("TTT")

First off, behold the tomato:
See? Crowded.

Next, behold what these are going to grow for me:
Seriously excited about grapevine style Super Sweet 100 Hybrid Tomatoes.

Anyway, the tomatoes are well-established (better than the cilantro even, these tomatoes have just gone through a crazy growth spurt in the last few days) as you can see:
...And clustered together. Not that I mind, it increases my chances of having at least one per pot survive (you know I'll be striving to save and keep them all alive).

Behold the pots that I had intended to transplant these into, along with the tall tomatoes:
And thus...

I began to emulate a mole and dig a hole in the center of these pots to make space for the seedlings.
Yes, that huge one is on a tray with a knob that is stuffed inside of a margarine container.
One does one's best.

What am I using for drainage trays under the rest of them?
Damn straight. Go green!

I started all of this at 6:03, and finished (all the planting and the first watering) at 7:35. Why did it take so long? Because I was being ridiculously careful, and had to be sure not to disentangle any of the seedlings that have literally grown together. Oh, and that picture above with four additional pots? I laugh at myself thinking that was going to be adequate, no matter how big captain pedestal is there. Wanting to stick with the whole idea of all of my tomatoes having drainage out the bottom of the pots (my other seedlings do not have this, just rocks in the bottom and me being very careful to never over-water, lest the roots rot), I used the two large ceramic ones with built in drainage trays that I have had kicking around my house for years. It's about time I used the damn things, they have moved with us twice if I recall. This is just another one of those times when it pays off to be a pack rat. Anyway!

Just a few more than expected. Seven in total--the red pot is empty, the ones on the windowsill are my other seedlings, the plastic container has spare compost dirt, the silver bowl I was using to scoop the spare dirt, and the plant in the far right and the far left on the back of the table are not tomatoes. (You don't say??)

 Tomato # 1
 Tomato # 2
 Tomato # 3
 Tomato # 4 (The big one!)
 Tomato # 5
 Tomato # 6
 Tomato # 7: The sprouts that I discovered as I was transplanting. Yes, I sure will be watching them to see if I need to go all Root Roust on them. Are there two? Nope--there are three.
 Who knows if this little one will hang in there--but I will take care of it all the same until it takes off or shrivels away back in to the soil that it sprung from.
And the final 'behold': 
My 'transplantees'.

Now, it's just wait and see...

©reated by ŊetHerŊøte 

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